Why choose us for your next virtual event:

Experience – Tyler has presented for over 100 fully virtual events since April 2020, when covid restrictions limited in person gatherings. These have ranged from half day workshops to 30 minute keynote addresses. Tyler draws from the experience of each of these unique events to continue to bring relevant, engaging, high level professional development content to his audiences. (References available upon request.)

Relevance – Our philosophy on training is that, while core principles to success stand the test of time, the specific application of those principles often needs to be adjusted as our world changes. With that in mind, our content has been carefully adapted to be relevant and highly actionable amid the “new normal” caused by the pandemic.

Engagement – Keeping an audience engaged has long been a challenge for public speakers. This challenge has been magnified with the transition to virtual. We have customized the delivery style of our programs with the virtual world in mind, and created various group activities to keep our trainings highly interactive and engaging.

Flexibility – Each of our programs are available in 3 virtual formats: 1. Live interactive (Zoom or similar with audience interaction either verbally or via chat feature) 2. Live Lecture/Webinar (Zoom or similar where “listen only” requirements are in place for the audience) 3. Pre Recorded (Content is still customizable to the audience and Tyler can be available for live Q&A when recording is aired.) While Zoom is preferred, Tyler has experience with and is comfortable using a variety of virtual meeting platforms.

Accessibility – We have created special pricing for virtual events to make our content accessible to as many as possible.

Virtual Event Testimonials:

Tyler was excellent as a virtual speaker! Our AV man, who has quite a bit of experience doing these even said to me that Tyler was a natural for the virtual experience. He said he has seen a lot of people who were stiff and didn’t look comfortable on screen whereas Tyler looked natural and everything flowed. Tyler was even able to look at the Chat board, where people were inputting comments, as he was talking. It was so good that he incorporated them and said the person’s name and answered or just mentioned the comment as he was reading it. That was really something because it made people feel included. And he was able to keep on talking even after he would stop to comment on the Chats. He made it look so easy and smooth. He didn’t look stressed or uncomfortable at all. Just like he was talking with someone in the room he was in. He did a superb job!
-Robin Wagner, Meeting Planners International Houston Chapter

We already knew that Tyler was an exceptional presenter in-person. However, his presentation “Remaining Positive in Times of Crisis” proved that he is also an extremely effective virtual presenter. Nobody enjoys a boring PowerPoint presentation and that is not how Tyler delivers his content. His virtual program was engaging, entertaining, and provided real value to our attendees. People were able to follow along with his helpful handout and participate in the lively discussion. Thanks Tyler!
-Jon Menard, MAPAM Treasurer (Massachusetts Association of Patient Account Management)

Please pass on my appreciation to Tyler for yesterday’s presentation to members of the International Liquid Terminals Association. He reminded me of a number of small things that I can do every day to manage the stress we all are dealing with both at home and at work. I am grateful that Tyler and ILTA facilitated this. It couldn’t have come at a better time!
-Member of International Liquid Terminals Association

“Tyler has a very natural and engaging style, and it translated very well to the virtual setting.
The material was very relevant for our members in this new COVID-19 environment.”
-Robin Cowper, Mechanical Contractors Association of Western Washington

“I have had the opportunity to work with Tyler in both a live and virtual event setting. He was equally engaging of the audience in both formats, which is no small task to do virtually. His points resonated with the audience in a meaningful way, offering them tangible take aways. I highly recommend Tyler for your next event!”
-Celisia Street, Director of Education, Home Care Association of New York State

This was actually my favorite part of the day. I feel like Tyler did a great job! He was very engaging and his presentation was right on the mark. It was refreshing and encouraging, and I appreciated his tips for actually being successful in reaching my goals.
Member – Iowa Society for Healthcare Human Resources Administration

This is the third time that I have attended a Tyler Enslin “seminar” and he is always excellent. Great speaker!
Member – Healthcare Financial Management Association